
20130213-163515.jpgMy order of phospholipids arrived today. Another $900 well spent (or wasted as some would say), on a 2 month supply. Something new to add to my ever growing supplement list.

This is a good time to take stock of my supplement regime, as it is getting out of hand. I have become a victim of my own research it seems and my desire to throw everything possible at my little mutants has led me to this:

The photo is my morning dose of various supplements. This is repeated 3 times a day.

I went to the effort of counting the pills, and the count is 120 per day and still waiting on more exotic stuff to arrive from various parts of the world, which will bring the total to about 150.

Even to me this is starting to look insane, but pruning my list is proving difficult as everything I take has been carefully selected and researched. It now takes quite an effort to swallow all these pills and some make my daily nausea worse. 🙁 Time to re-visit my list I think.

I have setup a new category on supplements and over the next few weeks will document everything that I am taking and my reasons why.

About Ren

I have been diagnosed with stage 4, metastatic colorectal cancer in October 2012, 3 days after my 44th birthday. There is no cure, but I am determined to go down the road less travelled to find one. I have setup this blog to document my journey and hopefully help others in the process. My view is that if there is a cure, it does not lie with traditional chemo, but with the immune system. Time will tell.
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